13 Facts About Your Eyes

Your eyes are extremely complicated. From getting up to falling asleep, they are working hard to collect information about the world around you.
We have gathered 51 facts in your eyes that will help you realize their excellence :

1. The human eye works just like a camera.
Focusing on a refining surface in a lens light, in the same way, your eyes focus the light on the retina.
2. Eyes first evolved around 500 million years ago.
Scientists estimate that the eye has evolved 500 million years ago, initially in a very simple form that can only be distinguished from dark light. And  If you wanted to have Grey or any other color, You can have contact Lenses. 
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3. The most common eye colour in the world is brown.
With over 55% of the world's population having brown eyes, it remains the most common colour. Eye colour is determined by genetics, because they dictate how much melanin is produced in your iris.
4. Some people are born with mismatched eye colours.
This condition is called heterochromia and is usually the result of a relatively lacking or excessive pigmentation in one eye. It is most often inherited, but it can also occur due to illness or injury.
5. The cornea is the transparent covering of the iris and pupil.
It protects your eyes from dirt and germs, as well as some of the sun’s UV rays. If your cornea becomes damaged you will experience distorted vision, because the light that enters your eye is interfered with.

6. 20/20 vision just means you have normal eyesight.
Contrary to popular belief, having 20/20 vision is not anything remarkable. Rather, it means that you can read a chart from 20 feet away in normal lighting conditions.

7. Wider pupils can suggest excitement. 
For example, when you look at people who are attracted, they will expand to 45%. However, dilate the pupils could also mean that you are afraid.

8. It’s a myth that liars make less eye contact.
In fact, a proper exercise of crooks by excessive eye contact and gaze to try to overcompensate to "prove" they are telling the truth.

9A woman’s eyesight can be affected by pregnancy. 
When hormones are raging and the body changes, women may experience vision problems. These are usually mild and temporary conditions, such as blurred vision and dry eyes, which disappear once the child is born.

10. Your eyes become tired when you read or stare at a computer for extended periods of time. 
This is because you don't blink often and don't relax your muscles in your eyes. If you are experiencing this often, make sure you have the latest prescription.

11. Human corneas are very similar to a sharks’ cornea.
This similarity means that shark eyes can be adopted as an alternative to human eye surgery.

12. The “floaters” in your vision are permanent.
They are mainly caused by the protein chain floating in the glass of the eyeball, casting shadows on the retina. Because the glass is completely stagnant, they will remain there indefinitely unless surgically removed.

13. It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
Your eyes and nose are connected by cranial nerves, so the stimulation from a sneeze travels up one nerve to the brain, then down another nerve to the eyelids, typically prompting a blink.


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